Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fingers Crossed

My plan was to stay in Maine until Sunday or when the new parents kicked me out, whichever came first.  I tried to be helpful and at the same time stay out of their way.  When my nephew was born in 2015, my brother wanted me to stay but my (then) sister-in-law wanted me out.  I wasn't insulted; she just wanted to be home with her (then) husband and new baby.

I checked in with Darryl and Tiernen, sent them pics of the new baby, and told them when I would be home.  Again, I was relatively distracted from what had gone down just on Monday.

And then the phone rang.  

Me (if I were 41 years younger & wore pastel polka dots)
It was one of the ladies who was in charge of placement at The Agency.  Could it be that things weren't working out with Baby O's new home and he was coming back?  I crossed my fingers.

(Again, I would like to point out:  I am NOT saying, "oh, I sure hope a child is being abused or neglected so they can be taken away so my own selfish needs can be met."  What I am saying is that if a child IS being abused or neglected, and unfortunately, some are, I hope that I am the one who is called.  I feel the need to clarify that!)

"Hi, Rebecca, it's XXX from The Agency.  We have a four month old baby boy..."

My heart stopped beating.

"... court is tomorrow..."


I had gone through that before, back in November, and the judge had decided to let the baby stay with his parents.  This might go the same way.

I explained that I was in Maine and that I had no plans of returning unless there was 100% chance that we were getting a placement.  I thought that was fair.  She said she would call tomorrow.

I went back to enjoying the new baby.

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