Sunday, October 6, 2019

Christmas in PA & NJ, Part Three: Are They Twins?

After a while, there is only so much you can do in someone else's house.  

Darryl was home.  My brother was at work.  It was just me and Tiernen with Bram and Joshua in the middle of the Poconos.  Yes, we had a car and yes, we had money to go places, but it always seemed not to work out.

I assume this is how moms of multiples feel:  they don't nap at the same time, one or the other needs to have a poopy butt cleaned or a snotty nose wiped, and one or the other or both are spilling something or getting into something they aren't supposed to.  Note: not my house; no longer baby-proofed.

You can only say, "d't touch the tree" so many times.  There are actual pictures of the tree without a single decoration three feet from the bottom.  Yes, once it was gorgeously decorated.  Enter two toddlers and bam, naked tree.  
Note the lack of decorations on the bottom...
Luckily, the weather was amazing. It was crisp but not cold, so I went out and bought the cheapest double stroller I could find, put mittens and hats on the boys, and went for long walks around my brother's development.  

Everyone we saw would ask, "Are they twins?"  

I would explain that they were my godson and my foster son.  

"Oh, I thought they were twins."  


"Oh.  How old are they?"

I told the inquiring mind.

"They could totally be twins."

I disagree, but whatever.

Next time I'm going to just say yes and average out their birthdays.

Rock stars in the making

Tiernen was bored.  She was not subtle about this and regularly told me how miserable she was.  On more than one occasion, I wanted to pack up and drive her home just to stop the incessant complaining.  I mean, I get it.  Babysitting two rambunctious toddlers isn't necessarily everyone's idea of a blissful Christmas vacation (even if it is mine) but she just added fuel to the fire.

We went to the nearest mall and while Bram was cool looking around and enjoying the post-Christmas hustle, Joshua was miserable.  I mean miserable with a capital MISERable.  He screamed for so long that every muscle in my neck was solid tension.  We stayed in the mall for less than an hour and it took twice that long to commute there and back.  Now remember how great Joshua is in the car...

We ended up eating fast food in the car.  Bram fell asleep.  Joshua screamed until five minutes before we got to my brother's.  

Damn twins.

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