Monday, August 17, 2020

Mermaid Room


I lost my office.

One of the reasons we bought our current home is because there were more than two bedrooms (we have four).  One was our bedroom, one was Tiernen's, and one was Joshua and Kaylie's. And one of them was my office.


The baby was easy.  At two months old, we could put her in the bassinette part of a Pack N Play and put her in our bedroom.  Newborns wake up in the night (this baby woke up more, much more than most, but I'll save that for another post).

Joshua was fine in his room.  It was already decorated and had all his stuff in it.  We gave away his toddler bed, bought him new furniture -- including a BIG BOY BED complete with a memory foam mattress --  and took out Kaylie's crib.  His room was done.

But then there was the girls' room, my once upon a time office.  (Once upon a time, this room was paneled with ultra-cheap faux wood paneling!)  If you know me, you know I have a thing for mermaids ever since I started making crocheted mermaid dolls almost five years ago.  An obvious choice was a mermaid room.  

I painted three walls purple, one wall blue, and took advantage of the wooden mermaid summer signs that were on sale everywhere (because summer is over in retail world once July comes, everything was on sale, sale, sale!)  I bought blue and purple hombre curtains and starfish tie backs.  (Thanks, Amazon)  I bought purple sheets and purple and teal mermaid scale blankets.  I already had the white furniture from our former foster room (now Joshua's) so it went together.

I even bought a "mermaid tail" cactus!

Looking at it, it's hard to believe that THIS GIRLY of a room is in MY home, but it is.  

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