Monday, August 17, 2020

Ten Long, Long Weeks


Believe me, we tried. We really did!

We loved them up, bought a minivan, rearranged our home, rearranged our schedules, didn’t visit my nephew all summer...

But when you ask and ask and ask for help from the agency that is supposed to be there for the kids and to support you and get told it’s “just the terrible twos early,” we’ll, some changes have to be made.

So the girls we took in ten weeks ago are going to another foster home. It was not a good fit. There was no support. It was taking away from Joshua and Kaylie and affecting my marriage and my mental health.

I know their new foster parents will love them and (hopefully) provide something permanency to their lives.

They need more help than we can give. I feel guilty. I feel a bit of a failure.
But mostly I feel relief.

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