Saturday, April 4, 2020

Joshua's Birthday

Of course, we went all out for Joshua's birthday.  He was two, and it was the first time a foster had been with us for a birthday!

Joshua was OBSESSED with school buses.  When we would drive home from daycare, he would scream whenever he saw a bus, "School bus!"  If he saw a city bus, he would scream, "City school bus!" So yes, he had to have a school bus themed birthday party.

When Miles turned three, I rented out the Children's Museum for his birthday, and it was a big hit. I figured I would do the same for Joshua.  I ordered him a school bus shirt with his name and a big number two from Etsy (my friend Whitney taught me the art of personalized birthday shirts, and I'm forever thankful!)

We invited every child from his classroom at school, Miles, Bram, and my friend Whitney and Nicole's kids.  And of course, I invited Joshua's family.  I told his mom she could invite whoever she wanted, as long as she told me how many kids would be there so I could have enough goodie bags.  Many people from her side of the family, including her friends, came, and so I was happy that Joshua got to see his family.  His baby sister was there too.

I wish I could say I took a lot of pictures, but I did not. I was too much in hostess mode, making sure everything was perfect.  Just know that Joshua had a blast and everyone seemed happy.  Even the fruit kabobs that I made -- and that my brother said no one would eat besides parents -- was completely gone.  

We opened Joshua's presents at home, much to Miles's disappointment.  Big boy that he is, he could NOT understand why Joshua would take so long to open one present and then would want to PLAY with it rather than open the rest.  Miles very much wanted to open them too, insisting, "My brother Joshua said I could open them!"  Even when Grandma Cindy, our neighbor from across the street, came over with gifts, poor Miles was heartbroken when he asked, "Is this for me?" and she said, "No, honey, I didn't know you were here, and so I only brought over Joshua's presents."  

Poor Miles.

Probably the best part of Joshua's birthday was the school bus.  A few weeks earlier, I had approached someone at Birnie Bus, our local school bus company, and asked if Joshua could get a tour of a school bus in the bus yard for his birthday.  The woman called back and said because of insurance purposes, that wouldn't happen. I totally understood.

"But," she said, "give me your address and I'll drive by with a school bus on his special day."

Can you believe it???

After school on his birthday, we just so happened to be playing on the porch when a bus drove down the block.  Of course, we had our customary, "School bus!" scream, but this time it was different.  This time the bus slowed down.  This time the bus STOPPED in front of our house.  Joshua's face was frozen.
us, sit in the seats, try on the seat belts, and even sit on the driver's lap and honk the horn.  He was so excited, he could hardly speak.  

In total, she was there maybe 15 minutes, but let me tell you, she made that little boy's day.  I will forever be thankful.

That night, our little family took Joshua to Friendly's for dinner and ice cream.  He was so happy when they brought him his octopus ice cream and sang to him. 

I can honestly say, mama, ya did good!

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