Monday, August 5, 2019

Empty House

In the days before the boys left, I packed their clothes (both the summer clothes and the new fall clothes I had bought) in two new duffel bags I had bought just for the occasion.  I asked the grandmother what I should do with the two garbage bags of clothes they had come with, almost all old and ill-fitting and too small.  She told me to throw them out or donate them, so I did.

I went through all the toys and separated what I had bought for Baby O and W and packed them from the toys and books I had purchased to stock the nursery prior.  The grandmother asked for their schedule, and I sent her a detailed schedule of what their days looked like including meals, food preferences, bedtime routines, bath schedules, favorite books, etc.  I packed W's bike, Baby O's favorite stuffed animals, his bottles, W's sippy cups, plates, and utensils.  

I typed it all up and wrote my name and phone number and asked her to call if she ever needed anything.

I had work that Friday, my first full week back to school, and so the plan was to drop them off at The Agency where we would meet at 4:00.  Tiernen didn't want to go, so she said goodbye to the boys before we left.  Darryl was at work.  I don't really think he said goodbye.

I packed up the car and put the boys in the car.  When we go to The Agency, only one person, and not the case planner, was there.  The grandmother wasn't there yet, so we waited.  The staff member waiting was anxious to leave, looking at her watch repeatedly, and saying, "come on already, it's Friday."  

At 4:40, the grandmother called and said she was in the parking lot.  We walked to the car, and the staff member locked the door behind her unceremoniously.  "Okay, have a good weekend," she said to me.  

I walked the boys to the grandmother's minivan.  I strapped Baby O into his car seat and W gleeful hopped in his beside him.  I parked my car next to hers and began unloading all their gear.  I gave the schedule and told her to call me if she needed me. 

I kissed the boys goodbye and I never saw them again.

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