Monday, August 5, 2019


Even though Erin and I modified and extended the transition plan for Bram, The Agency had at least attempted to have one.  They went from supervised visits at The Agency to supervised visits (by me) in my home to supervised visits by a case aid in her home to pop in visits by me to overnights.  Little Bram at least had some time to get used to being in one home and then in another.

Such was not going to be the case with the boys.

Then again, it was with another case planner, the one who had me turn over Baby O like I was signing over the bill of sale to a used car.

The boys did not visit the grandmother in her home.  She did not visit the boys in mine.  She did not have time with them alone.  And most importantly, they did not have time with their older brother.

The "plan" was that the older boy would go start to live with grandma on Wednesday and on Friday, the other two boys would move in.  Within two days, she would go from zero children to three under nine years old, one with some mental issues and one with speech issues.

As soon as I knew that the boys were going, I started to talk to W about it.  

"W, how would you like to go live with your grandma?"


He was not sad that he was leaving us, leaving me, the person he clung to and cried for and proclaimed to be "HIS MAMA!"  He just accepted that he was leaving, like he did when I picked him up from the couple who had him before us.  There were no tears or questions why or anything.

And this is the saddest of all to me, if you want to know the truth.

Baby O didn't know any better.  He was a baby, and an easy baby at that.  W has just so used to being sent from one home to another, he accepted it as a fact of life, like some days it rains and some days it is sunny. 

I told him we could ask his grandma if we could still visit or talk on the phone or still go to the park.  It held little interest for him.  It wasn't that he was detaching and was angry at me; he still was as clingy as ever.  He was just... used to moving.

Isn't that a damn shame? 

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